
We want everyone to feel welcome on our website and we want as many people as possible to find our website easy to navigate and accessible to use. We welcome feedback.

Click the blue icon near the top left

We’re using a simple plugin called One Click Accessibility that helps you adjust text size, change the contrast and/or font.

Accessibility features and settings on your device

Your device may have lots of accessibility features built-in. You can usually find these in your device settings or system preferences:

Browser settings

Screenreaders and speech to text

A popular free screen reader is NVDA.

Some devices come with basic screen readers, like Windows Narrator, Chromebooks ChromeVoxApple VoiceOver.

Speech to text: Most internet browsers and some devices and programmes have dictation, automatic captioning or transcription built-in (see ‘accessibility features’ at the top of the page).

High contrast and vision access

1. First, try using your device settings to adapt the colours, contrast, font and page size and appearance to suit you:

  • Windows 10: search ‘ease of access’ in toolbar or specific terms, like ‘contrast’ or ‘mouse settings’
  • Windows 11: Settings > Accessibility > Contrast themes
  • Apple and iOS: go to System Preferences > Accessibility > Display
  • Android: Settings > Accessibility > Text and display

2. If your device settings don’t work for websites you’re visiting, try changing your browser settings:

More info on RNIB technology hub.

Mobility access

Cognitive and neurodivergent access

About this website

Our website is built using WordPress and their Accessibility Coding Standards state that “All new or updated code released in WordPress must conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (opens in new tab) 2.1 at level AA.”

We use WebAIM and other accessibility guides as references. We’ve used an accessible-ready WordPress theme, and used fonts, font sizes, colours and other settings to create a more accessible website.


Feedback of all kinds is important to us – please contact us with any feedback or comments.

Updated: September 2022

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